
A toy or plaything is an object that is used primarily to provide entertainment. Simple examples include toy blocks, board games, and dolls. Toys are often designed for use by children, although many are designed specifically for adults and pets. Toys can provide utilitarian benefits, including physical exercise, cultural awareness, or academic education. Additionally, utilitarian objects, especially those which are no longer needed for their original purpose, can be used as toys. Examples include children building a fort with empty cereal boxes and tissue paper spools, or a toddler playing with a broken TV remote control. The term “toy” can also be used to refer to utilitarian objects purchased for enjoyment rather than need, or for expensive necessities for which a large fraction of the cost represents its ability to provide enjoyment to the owner, such as luxury cars, high-end motorcycles, gaming computers, and flagship smartphones.

About This Item

Playing with toys can be an enjoyable way of training young children for life experiences. Different materials like wood, clay, paper, and plastic are used to make toys. Newer forms of toys include interactive digital entertainment and smart toys. Some toys are produced primarily as collectors’ items and are intended for display only.

  • An experential science kit to teach about gears, Gears are called the biggest invention after the wheels.
  • We cannot live a normal day in our lives without gears.
  • This starts up the spark in the brain of a child and transforms them into leaders who can define the next phase of human evolution.
  • With this course, kids get a deep insight into the Gears and their uses.
  • This is the first step to work towards their ability to solve problems and develop reasoning.
  • The children hone the 21st century skills like fine motor, gross motor, problem solving, cognition and spatial reasoning.
  • Topics they learn about are speed, force, gears, idler gear, gearbox design, compound gearbox, torque, power.
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Customer Reviews (3)

  1. Smith

    The pencil box looks very smart . The pencil sharpner seems to be a little small. Rest all is good. As expected .

  2. Alexandra

    I purchased this for my daughter,she really liked and love it… Thanks 😊

  3. Jennifer

    It got a interesting way to sharp pencils for kids as it is fun for them and nice looking cartoon face with wheels. So, children can also use it as a toy.👍👍😍😍😍

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